Hesgoal TV Live Streaming :DMCA

Hesgoal TV does not host or upload any video and media files, we are not responsible for the legality of the content of other linked or embedded sites. If you have any legal issues please contact appropriate media owners or hosters. All streams, broadcasts and channels for any sports are free available and can be found in Google top 20 pages as well we do only collect links. We do never stream nor host any content.

All streams and videos found here are shared by sports fans around the world and are available through sites like Twitch, Ustream and so on.

We simply help making the search for streams and videos easier, and are not responsible for any infringements. for that please contact appropriate media file owners or hosters.

For best quality as well as performance we advice you to use Google Chrome for streaming as well as keep your system up to date. You will never have to pay, download nor install anything to watch.

Hesgoal Disclaimer

Our platform hesgoal TV live stream merely displays links to audiovisual content located on servers of third parties and provided and/or transmitted by third parties. We DO NOT host nor transmit any audiovisual content itself and DO NOT control nor influence such content. We cannot accept any liability for the content trans mitted by others. Any responsibility for this content lies with those who host or transmit it. We are not affiliated nor claim to be affiliated with any of the owners of streams and/or videos. All content is copyright of their respective owners.

Hesgoal Sports TV Guide, Listings, Schedule, Program – Hesgoal TV

Hesgoal TV provides the most up-to-date, extensive and accurate Listings of Live Football On TV in the UK. We have schedules of live football on television from broadcasters including Sky Sports, BT Sport, Premier Sports, BBC, ITV and more.

View complete listings of upcoming football fixtures on TV including live football on TV today, live football on TV tonight, live football on TV tomorrow and live football on TV this week. Alternatively, choose specialised listings from the menu.

Welcome to hesgoal Live Streaming (the “Site”). We respect the intellectual property rights of others just as we expect others to respect our rights.
We reserve the right to modify the contents of this page and its policy for handling DMCA claims at any time for any reason. You are encouraged to check back to review this policy frequently for any changes.

We are an Internet service provider that offers a platform that only displays links to audiovisual content located on third-party servers and provided and/or transmitted by third parties. No one can be held responsible for hosting copyrighted content as we neither host any copyrighted content nor broadcast any audiovisual content.

Please: find out on which website the files or audiovisual content are actually hosted before you accuse us of copyright infringement.

– Links appearing on this site were found on various online streaming sites (ustream.tv, livestream.com, youtube.com, telerium.tv, mips.tv, facebook.com, liveflash.tv, sawlive.tv , castamp .com, limpi.tv, ok.ru among others…) and we don’t know if they have rights transfer contracts to these paid matches or events to reproduce, host or allow their viewing.

– All trademarks mentioned here and logos are registered by their rightful owners and are used only in reference to them and for the purpose of citation or comment, in accordance with Article 32 LPI.

– We are not responsible for the improper use you may make of the content of our page.

– In no case or circumstance can the owner or collaborators be held directly or indirectly responsible for the illegal use of the information contained. We also cannot be held responsible directly or indirectly for the incorrect use or misinterpretation of the information and services included. Also, the material you may access from our links will be beyond our responsibility.

– If in your country, this type of page is prohibited, you and only you are responsible for entry.

– If you decide to stay, it is because you have read, understood and accept the terms of this page.

– All content was taken exclusively from public internet sites, so this material is considered free distribution. No legal article mentions the prohibition of free materials, so this page does not break the law in any way. If anyone has any questions or concerns about this, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

If after reading the above and you are a copyright owner or agent and you believe that any User Submission or other content infringes your rights, although we are not obliged to, you may submit a notice under the Copyright Act. Digital Millennium Copyright (“DMCA”) of Provide the following information electronically (see 17 USC 512(3) for details):

(a) A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright that is allegedly infringed;
(b) Identification of the copyrighted work that is claimed to have been infringed or, if more than one copyrighted work is covered by a single notice, a representative list of such works on that website ;
(c) Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity that is to be removed or to which access is to be disabled and information sufficient to permit the service provider to locate the material;
(d) Information reasonably sufficient to permit contact with you, such as an address, telephone number and, if available, an email;
(e) A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and A statement that the information in the notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
Once you receive full and fair notice of a claimed copyright infringement, or if you believe in good faith that a video on the limpi.tv service may contain infringing material, the policy is: (a)
To remove or disable access to the submitted content identified in the claimed infringement notice;
(b) To notify the content provider, member or user that you have removed or disabled access to the content; and
(c) terminate in appropriate circumstances repeat infringing subscribers and account holders.